Chakra UI Range Slider - Horizon UI


The RangeSlider is a multi thumb slider used to select a range of related values. A common use-case of this component is a price range picker that allows a user to set the minimum and maximum price.


Chakra UI exports the following component parts to implement the Range Slider:

  • RangeSlider: The wrapper that provides context and functionality for all children.
  • RangeSliderTrack: The empty part of the slider that shows the track.
  • RangeSliderFilledTrack: The filled part of the slider.
  • RangeSliderThumb: The handle that's used to change the slider value.
import {
} from "@chakra-ui/react"


Note: We recommend adding a aria-label or aria-labelledby prop to provide an accessible label for the Slider.

<RangeSlider aria-label={["min", "max"]} defaultValue={[10, 30]}>
<RangeSliderFilledTrack />
<RangeSliderThumb index={0} />
<RangeSliderThumb index={1} />

Changing the slider color scheme#

You can override the color scheme of the slider to any color key specified in theme.colors.

aria-label={["min", "max"]}
defaultValue={[10, 30]}
<RangeSliderFilledTrack />
<RangeSliderThumb index={0} />
<RangeSliderThumb index={1} />

Changing the slider orientation#

By default, the slider orientation is horizontal. However, if you want to have it vertical, pass the orientation prop and set its value to vertical.

aria-label={["min", "max"]}
defaultValue={[10, 30]}
<RangeSliderFilledTrack />
<RangeSliderThumb index={0} />
<RangeSliderThumb index={1} />

Customizing the Slider#

Slider component was designed to be composed to make it easy for you to customize its styles.

<RangeSlider aria-label={["min", "max"]} defaultValue={[30, 80]}>
<RangeSliderTrack bg="red.100">
<RangeSliderFilledTrack bg="tomato" />
<RangeSliderThumb boxSize={6} index={0}>
<Box color="tomato" as={MdGraphicEq} />
<RangeSliderThumb boxSize={6} index={1}>
<Box color="tomato" as={MdGraphicEq} />

Discrete Sliders#

Discrete sliders allow you to snap to predefined sets of values. This can be accomplished using the step prop.

<RangeSlider defaultValue={[120, 240]} min={0} max={300} step={30}>
<RangeSliderTrack bg="red.100">
<RangeSliderFilledTrack bg="tomato" />
<RangeSliderThumb boxSize={6} index={0} />
<RangeSliderThumb boxSize={6} index={1} />

Getting the final value when dragging the slider#

Dragging the slider can trigger lots of updates and the user might only be interested in the final result after sliding is complete. You can use onChangeEnd for this.

aria-label={["min", "max"]}
onChangeEnd={(val) => console.log(val)}
<RangeSliderFilledTrack />
<RangeSliderThumb index={0} />
<RangeSliderThumb index={1} />


We've exported the useRangeSlider hook to help users manage and build custom slider UIs.

RangeSliderThumb Props#

RangeSliderThumb composes Box so you can pass all Box props to change its style.

RangeSliderFilledTrack Props#

RangeSliderFilledTrack composes Box so you can pass all Box props to change its style.

RangeSliderTrack Props#

RangeSliderTrack composes Box so you can pass all Box props to change its style.

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