Google OAuth

Google OAuth

1. Initiate Google Cloud Project:

Start a new project on Google Cloud (opens in a new tab).

2. Access API Credentials:

Navigate to APIs & Services and then to Credentials.

3. Set Up Consent Screen:

Choose Configure Consent Screen and fill in details.

4. Configure Scopes and Test Users:

Include userinfo.email & userinfo.profile in scope and add yourself as a test user; then submit.

5. Create Oauth Client ID:

Under Credentials, select Create Credentials and then Oauth Client ID, opting for Web Application.

6. Set Authorized Origins and Redirects:

Add http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab) and https://your-project.supabase.co (opens in a new tab) to Authorized JavaScript origins; add https://your-project.supabase.co/auth/v1/callback (opens in a new tab) to Authorized redirect URIs, then click Create.

7. Integrate with Supabase:

Input the Client ID in GOOGLE_ID and Client Secret in GOOGLE_SECRET on your Supabase dashboard (Authentication > Providers > Google).

8. Publish and Verify Oauth Consent Screen:

Go to Oauth Consent Screen, publish the app and submit it for verification.

9. Complete Verification Prep:

Click Prepare for verification, fill in necessary information, and respond to Google's email to initiate the process. Verify your domain with Google Search Console.

10. Login Functionality:

Google login will work immediately on localhost and will function with a warning in production until verification is complete (usually a few days).