
Payments with Stripe

1. Initiate a Stripe Account:

  • Register for a new account on Stripe's website. Complete all necessary steps to finish setting up the account.

2. Enable Payment Processing:

  • After account creation, provide your business details and bank information to enable the processing of payments.

3. Update Website Information:

  • Go to Settings and select Public Details.
  • Enter your website's URL to link Stripe back to your site.

4. Customize Stripe’s Appearance:

  • Within Settings, access Branding.
  • Upload your company's logo and select a color scheme that represents your brand.

5. Configure Email Notifications for Customers:

  • In Settings, look for Customer Emails.
  • Activate email notifications for both successful payments and refunds to ensure your customers are well-informed.

6. Set Up the Customer Portal Access:

  • Find Customer Portal under Settings.
  • Turn on the portal link, which might be necessary for future use.

7. Implement Anti-Fraud Measures:

  • Search for 'rules' and navigate to Fraud Prevention > Rules.
  • Activate the primary 3DS rule for security, and consider enabling the second recommended rule.
  • Set it to reject payments when the CVC check fails.

8. Switch to Test Mode:

  • Activate Test Mode in the Stripe dashboard to simulate transactions without actual monetary exchanges.

9. Generate a New Product:

  • In Stripe, create a product and note its price ID (e.g., price_1ju5GD464564).
  • Incorporate this price ID into your config.stripe.plans[0].priceId in the config.js file.

10. Integrate API Keys:

  • Retrieve your public and private API keys from Developers in Stripe.
  • Add these keys to STRIPE_SECRET_KEY & STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY in your .env.local file.

11. Set Up Local Webhook Testing:

  • Follow the instructions under Developers, Webhook, Test in local environment in Stripe.
  • Once logged into Stripe CLI, use a specified command to forward webhook events to your API.
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhooks

Going to production?

  1. Disable Test Mode: Turn off Test Mode in your Stripe Dashboard.
  2. API Keys Setup: Copy public & private keys from Developers in Stripe; add them to STRIPE_SECRET_KEY & STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY in production variables.
  3. Webhook Configuration: In Developers > Webhook > Add Endpoint, set endpoint to your domain + /api/webhook/stripe, select checkout.session.completed, and add the signing secret to STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET in production variables.
  4. Payout Schedule (Optional): In Balance > Manage Payouts, set a specific payout date, like the 10th each month.
  5. Customer Email Notifications (Optional): Activate emails for successful payments & refunds in Settings > Customer Emails.